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Designed for kids who can't wait to grow up

A savings account that grows with your child Find the savings product that best meets your expectations!

The Tweenz savings account

The savings account for children between the age of 0 and 12.

  • Interest rate of 1,80%
  • No account closing balance fee
  • All advantages of the Tweenz Club
  • EUR 50 gift upon subscription before the 1st anniversary of the child

Blocked savings account

The savings account that is blocked until the age of 18.

  • Interest rate of 2,00%
  • No account closing balance fee
  • All advantages of the Tweenz Club
Current account required (free up to the age of 18)

Why you should switch from saving to investing for your children? A combination between return and security

Your benefits at a glance

  • Invest regularly, but at your own pace
  • No subscription and custody fees*
  • Investments starting from EUR 40/month
  • Liquidity: your capital remains accessible over a very short term

* Recurring fees of lux|funds available on

* The subscription of units of the luxfunds range is subject to the applicable fees as described in the publication "Main banking fees: retail customers", available at

The gift for newborns

Spuerkeess and LALUX Assurances offer EUR 150 to your newborn, of which:

  • EUR 50 will be credited on a Tweenz savings account  (opened by a legal representative);
  • EUR 50 will be credited on an insurance lalux-Study Cover ;
  • EUR 50 will be credited on a savings plan S-Invest *.

Your child may benefit of this gift up to the age of 12 months. Furthermore, your child will receive a nice surprise gift at our branch.

* Valid until the child's 18th birthday

The Tweenz Club (6-12 years), what is this? The Tweenz Club offers savings advantages, benefits at retail partners and fun-filled activities.

The Tweenz Club activities

The Tweenz Club offers throughout the year a large number of exclusive leisure activities to its members.

Check the Tweenz activities

Do you have any questions about Axxess? Make an appointment online or contact one of our advisers.

Managing your finances - the blog

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