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Save up in order to buy, build or renovate your home!

By opting for a BHW housing savings scheme, you can save for your personal housing needs (acquisition, construction, renovation, mortgage redemption) while making tax savings.

The amounts saved as part of a housing savings scheme can indeed be deducted from your taxable income.

The premiums paid in relation to a BHW housing savings scheme may be deducted from taxable income up to:

  • EUR 1.344, if you (or one of the persons subject to tax in the case of collective taxation) are aged 18 to 40 as of 1 January of the year of taxation.
  • EUR 672, if you (or all of the persons subject to tax in the case of collective taxation) are aged over 40 as of 1 January of the year of taxation.

The maximum amount deductible is granted by household member (taxpayer, spouse and dependent children).