How to activate 3D Secure?
If you have an S-Net agreement, 3D Secure is automatically activated with your LuxTrust certificate used for your S-Net connection (no later than 24 hours after you log on for the first time). Once this activation has been completed, 3D Secure will be activated directly for any new card ordered or when a card needs to be replaced (renewal on expiry or following loss or theft).
If you use several certificates (LuxTrust Token or Mobile) to connect to S-Net, please note that only one certificate can be linked per card. You can check in S-Net which LuxTrust certificate is linked to your card. Log on to S-Net, go to “Settings – Payment Cards – Payment Settings” and, if applicable, change your selection by following the on-screen instructions.
To log on to S-Net Mobile, see the “Settings – Card Management – Payment Settings” section.