Make your investment decisions
Manage your portfolio independently
Invest independently
Make your investment decisions without seeking the advice of an advisor. However, if you wish, you can take advantage of a dedicated contact person for the placement of your orders.
Preferential Pricing
With S-Net and S-Net Mobile, you can place your stock market orders at a price of EUR 19.50 per order, and benefit from commission-free trading on lux|funds and S-Invest.
Free services
Enjoy free custody fees, a free Zebra Premium package and other benefits with your Selfinvest package.
Invest at preferential rates
Selfinvest offers you significant discounts on the pricing of your investment products and transactions.
Main features
No fees on lux | funds investments
No fees on annual statement of transactions in financial instruments
No custody fees
No fees on tax reporting
Market orders with S-Net or S-Net Mobile at a rate of EUR 19,50/order
Show all services
Pricing offer as of 16.5.2024*
lux | funds (SICAV of Spuerkeess)**
Subscription/Redemption: no fee
Third-party UCITS funds**
Subscription/Redemption via S-Net/S-Net Mobile: EUR 19,50/order
Subscription/Redemption via your usual contact person: EUR 39,00/order
Bonds and Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN)**
Subscription/Purchase/Sale via S-Net/S-Net Mobile: EUR 19,50/order
Subscription/Purchase/Sale via your usual contact person: EUR 39,00/order
Shares, ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), warrants, subscription and bonus rights ***
Purchase/Sale via S-Net/S-Net Mobile: EUR 19,50/order
Purchase/Sale via your usual contact person: EUR 39,00/order
Other transactions in financial instruments, including third-party non-UCITS funds:
50% off on the standard Spuerkeess commission (min. applicable)
Additional services
Zebra Premium package: fee included
Custody fees: fee included
Annual statement of transactions in financial instruments: fee included
Annual statement of income on financial instruments: fee included
Tax reporting****: fee included
Tax reclaim service*****: 30% off on the standard pricing (min. applicable)
Quarterly flat-rate fee******: 0,125%
Calculated on the assets in all securities accounts excluding securities issued by Spuerkeess and lux | funds, min. EUR 312,50 (excl. VAT 17%)
* The document above “Main banking fees” also includes the standard rates applicable to transactions in financial instruments carried out via S-Net or in a branch.
**Subject to any exceptions provided for in the issue prospectus.
*** Transaction fees may be increased by taxes that apply to the various stock exchanges (stamp duty, tax on financial transactions, capital gains tax, etc.), or by local settlement fees for certain stock exchanges outside Central Europe and North America.
**** Only for physical persons.
***** Service subject to conditions and reserved for tax residents in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in Belgium, in France and in Germany.
****** Minimum term of the contract: 6 months. Annual charge of 0,50% with an annual minimum amount of EUR 1.250 (excluding VAT 17%).
With Selfinvest, you will benefit from our Zebra Premium package free of charge.
Zebra Premium
A complete banking package, ideal for handling your bank relationship at the best price