Documents to be provided for existing companies
- Organisation chart of the company identifying all the successive levels of direct and/or indirect shareholding as well as any underlying assets held by the company, specifying the percentage of shareholding and the natural person(s) ultimately holding the company
- Private agreement or partnership agreement;
- Recent extract from the trade register (less than 3 months old)
- Recent extract from the register of beneficial owners (less than 3 months old)
- Articles of association (or updated coordinated articles of association)
- Extract from the most recent trade register (less than 3 months old) and an extract from the RBE (register of beneficial owners) of all the entities involved in the holding chain shown in the organisation chart
- Copy(ies) of establishment authorisation(s) (or approval) if applicable (depending on the company's activity)
- Detailed annual accounts for the last 3 financial years in PDF AND XML format
- Last bank statement
- Documentation concerning partners holding 10% or more, the beneficial owner(s) and the manager(s)/director(s) who will have authority over the account(s) :
- Colour copy of both sides of identity card/passport (valid - certified if other than EU)
- Private / legal address
- Civil status
- Professional status
- Certificate of residency
- If US PERSON : W-9 Form or W-8BEN Form
- TIN code
- For the beneficial owner(s) and the shareholder(s) holding 10% or more: an economic background showing their professional career, assets and liabilities and the primary origin of the funds.
- Domiciliation contract (if company domiciled)
- If the company is incorporated abroad: registration certificate (e.g. certificate of incorporation, certificate of incumbency less than 3 months old, certificate of good standing less than 3 months old)
- If listed company or parent company: proof of listing / proof of shareholding structure
- If bearer shares: extract from the custodian's register
Documents required upon request :
- Detailed business-plan
- LEI code (if selling/purchasing financial instruments)
- Bank reference for the company and/or for the various people involveds
- Extract from the shareholders' register for intervening companies
- Evidence of the source of the shareholder(s)' funds