5th October 2018

Earn yourself a happy retirement!

For most of us, our daily work affords us a pleasant lifestyle. But what happens when we retire? According to the OECD's latest “Pensions at a Glance”, pensions in Luxembourg are higher than the European average. So, that is good news, isn’t it? Still, to be able to maintain your standard of living once you retire, it’s worth thinking now about the different options available to you.

Supplemental pension schemes

When you’re juggling children, family, living expenses and other priorities, it’s not always easy to put money aside. That’s why it might be a good idea to subscribe to a private pension scheme for yourself (3rd pillar pension scheme), or to benefit from a supplemental scheme set up through your employer (2nd pillar), as soon as you begin to work.

Ever since the fiscal reform of 1 January 2017, the maximum deductible amount for your private pension scheme is 3.200 euros per year, no matter your age! Now, once you retire, you can even choose to redeem your savings all at once.

As for the supplementary pension, the contributions are subject to a flat rate tax of 20% paid by the employer. When leaving the scheme, this tax allows you to enjoy benefits that are entirely exempt from income tax. In addition, if you personally contribute to the supplemental pension, you will benefit from a 1.200 euro deduction per year as special expenses.


Start reaping the fruits of your pension now!

Build capital by investing

Invest your money today in order to build up capital for tomorrow! Spuerkeess offers several products that were particularly developed for novice investors. If you prefer to invest in a simple and flexible manner, you can choose between either Speedinvest, the automated and digital investment product, or S-Invest, an investment plan in SICAV.

Speedinvest takes into account your goals as well as your financial situation in order to optimise the return on your savings in the medium run. Since it is a digital product, you can autonomously manage your investment 24/7 on S-Net and S-Net Mobile! Just answer a few questions about your objectives and your financial situation, and the Speedinvest robot draws up your personalised investment strategy. In accordance with the chosen strategy, your money will be invested in two subfunds, a bond subfund and an equity subfund. All you need to do is fix the amount you wish to invest and follow the evolution of your savings.

The more traditional SICAV investment plan S-Invest allows you to build a portfolio in lux|funds parts (BCEE's investment funds) and to participate in the long term evolution of the financial markets. S-Invest can be subscribed to in all our branches as well as online via S-Net and S-Net Mobile.

Invest in property

Nothing like owning your own home! Real estate property is considered an investment and not speculation. Yes, real estate is expensive and you have to be ready for numerous expenses (handling fees, notary fees, etc.) Nevertheless, becoming a homeowner will always guarantee a roof over your head and you won’t have to throw money away on rent. As for the down payment and other costs that come with getting a loan, your bank is at your side and will work with you to choose a financing plan that is right for you. You can even get a preview right away by simulating a loan application.

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