23rd February 2023

Marc fills in his tax return on S-Net using myTax by VIREO !

Don't procrastinate ... while the deadline for submitting the tax return is now 31 December of the year following the tax year in question, Marc likes to complete this task as soon as possible. Since the arrival of the tax safe in S-Net, he has been able to gather all the documents he needs and filling in his return is so much easier. Thanks to the VIREO myTax digital tax assistant in S-Net, the declaration is now done in the blink of an eye.

A tax assistant guides him every step of the way

Collecting the documents for the return is one thing, but knowing which form to choose, which information to include and, above all, which spaces in the form to put that information in, is another one entirely. Marc has never found filling in his return easy. He has often asked his friends and family for help and has even taken a short training course on the topic.

His situation has, however, changed in recent years with his civil partnership (PACS), the arrival of Lily, the house purchase, renovation works, etc. He is no longer sure whether he is filling in his return correctly. Worse still, he is worried that he may not choose the optimal tax regime and has no idea how much he will be entitled to recover or need to pay to the tax authorities.

The tax assistant integrated into S-Net Desktop

Marc fills in his return via S-Net Desktop with the myTax digital assistant. He therefore logs onto S-Net and accesses his Tax Area to learn about this famous assistant!

Once he has read and accepted the terms of use, he will be able to begin filling in his tax return.

These are the stages Marc will need to complete:

1. Simply answering the questions asked by myTax, so that the best options for his situation are automatically selected;

2. Paying EUR 40 and receiving the tax report;

3. Working out whether he is required to submit or whether there is any benefit in submitting a return and, if so, viewing the amount of tax that he will recover or pay under each tax regime for which he is eligible;

4. Downloading his return and any appendices that are fully completed, optimised and ready to be sent;

5. Sending his return and any enclosures, either by directly accessing the certificates stored in his Tax Area, or by downloading other documents;

6. Viewing the tax optimisation opportunities provided by the State to reduce his household’s tax burden.

A fixed cost

Regardless of whether he is single, in a civil partnership (PACS) or married, Marc will need to pay EUR 40 (payable in respect of each tax year, with no additional cost for couples) to access the myTax digital assistant and be certain that the tax return he submits to the Luxembourg tax authority is optimised and correctly filled in.

A personalised and comprehensible tax report

On completing the myTax questionnaire, Marc will receive his personalised tax report. This will explain his tax situation and the different tax regimes for which he is eligible (individual, joint, individual with reallocation). myTax will help him to compare the various regimes and chose the regime that is best suited to his household.

The myTax tax report will also provide Marc with information on ways to reduce his tax liability that are sanctioned by the Luxembourg State (payments to pension schemes, life insurance, etc.).

Help at all times

Marc has questions as he fills in the form’s various fields, but they are quickly answered by clicking on the tooltips, and he therefore makes quick progress. He allows himself a break to eat and watch the news, then conveniently returns to myTax later in the evening.

In just a few clicks, Marc has completed his tax return! Now all he has to do is send it to the Direct Tax Administration, by post or via myguichet.lu.

Save time on future returns

Since Marc already used the tool for his declaration last year, it will take him not much time this year! The questionnaire is pre-filled with the previous year's data.

Marc only has to update what has changed.

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