18th January 2024

Two good reasons to think about retirement from the start of your working life!

Completing studies: check. Finding the first job: check. Having a head full of plans reminds you that you have your whole life ahead of you to achieve them, because you’re young. However, this is precisely why we need to talk to you about your retirement. Retirement may still seem a long way away to you, but read this article to understand why now is the right time to think about it!

1. Making your future as secure as possible

Before starting your career, your daily life was taken up by studies. You now have many years ahead that will be shaped by your career. Then, at the end of your working life, retirement will naturally follow. Welcome to the future!

Why should you not wait to build up retirement savings?

Because, logically, the earlier you start building your savings, the more substantial the amount of your savings will be. Therefore, everything you set aside up until then will mean that you receive more each month in addition to the amount provided by the pension fund (statutory retirement pension). So you can enjoy relaxing, travel and other leisure activities!

Why is it important to choose your future now?

While you are working today, you are able to contribute to the pension fund for your future retirement (statutory retirement pension). However, how can you be sure that your contributions will be enough to meet your needs when it’s time to retire?

To ensure that you can fully enjoy your retirement, start building retirement savings now!

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.


2. Benefiting from tax advantages

Have you filed your first tax return yet? It’s important to remember that when you take out a private pension scheme with your bank, you receive tax benefits on your annual tax return. You are a winner now and later!

In your special expenses, for instance, you can deduct up to a maximum of €3,200 per year from your taxable income. That may seem like a small amount, but calculate it over 20, 30 or 40 years (x20, x30, or x40 😉) and you will realise it represents a significant tax rebate!

And because a picture is worth more than 1,000 words, here is an illustration of how much you stand to gain 😉:

Would you like to start building up a private pension scheme?

Simulate your monthly savings directly in the S-Net Store under “S-Pension” to find out your tax benefits!

Your future is in your hands!

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