For her internship at the end of her university degree, Sophie had the opportunity to spend six months in the US. She had a great time, and was able to experience Halloween the way it’s supposed to be, just like she’d seen in the movies. It’s traditional in America for the streets to transform into rows of haunted houses, each more elaborately decorated than the next, and for residents to dress up as all kinds of different characters. This year, to mark the occasion of Shauna’s arrival in Luxembourg, Sophie is planning to invite her to a US-style Halloween.
S-Pension: a great plan for the future of all workers in Luxembourg
Halfway through our careers, we look back and wonder why we didn’t think about the future sooner. Did you know that even as a non-resident, you can take out a supplementary pension, with all its benefits? Why is the S-Pension private pension scheme the right choice at this stage in your life?
What is the outlook for the next 20-25 years? No-one has a crystal ball to predict what the future holds.
With all the current upheavals in our society, the retirement age could rise and pension payments could fall.
Since we never know what the future will bring, being proactive and starting to build a pension pot seems urgent for Eric.
A compelling reason – tax benefits!
Although Eric is not a Luxembourg resident, he earns more than 90% (*) of his professional income in Luxembourg and is therefore considered a resident taxpayer and benefits from the same deductions and allowances as Luxembourg residents.
(*) 50% for residents of Belgium
Since “the 2017 fiscal year, premiums paid to a private pension plan can be deducted up to a maximum of EUR 3,200 per year, regardless of the age of the policyholder*.
The maximum limit allowed under the tax deduction scheme is individual and is established separately for each spouse who has concluded a pension plan."