For her internship at the end of her university degree, Sophie had the opportunity to spend six months in the US. She had a great time, and was able to experience Halloween the way it’s supposed to be, just like she’d seen in the movies. It’s traditional in America for the streets to transform into rows of haunted houses, each more elaborately decorated than the next, and for residents to dress up as all kinds of different characters. This year, to mark the occasion of Shauna’s arrival in Luxembourg, Sophie is planning to invite her to a US-style Halloween.
It is never too early to make plans for your retirement!
As Sophie sits in her car waiting for the stoplight to turn green, she suddenly begins to daydream, imagining all the things she will be able to do once she will be retired. Thoughts race through her mind and one thing is for certain – Sophie wants a stress-free retirement and doesn’t want to lack anything when time comes.
Retirement is still far away for Sophie. Nevertheless, if she starts saving now, her retirement can be better than expected. Her job enables her to earn a modest living now, but nobody knows what the future holds and at this phase of her career, it is too early to estimate the amount she can expect to receive when she retires. Sophie decides to go to her bank to find out more.
Whether you are brimming with ideas or simply want to be able to indulge and maintain a certain lifestyle, retirement requires planning in advance. That is why Sophie is safeguarding her future by taking out an S-Pension private pension scheme contract for a minimum of 10 years. She can choose the method of repayment, which can start as early as her 60th birthday.
That's all there was to it! Sophie took out an S-Pension private pension scheme contract. The icing on the cake? She doesn't even have to think about making payments because she linked it to her bank account. That way, her monthly investment will be automatically transferred to the SICAV sub-fund of her choice.