22nd June 2021

NewFID - Digital solutions that simplify the customer/accountant relationship

NewFID, the first all-digital accounting practice in Luxembourg meets the new needs of craftsmen and SMEs.

An accountant is a necessity

Poor financial management is the second major reason why new companies fail; you need an accountant so you can focus 100% of your attention on your business and avoid the worst! However, the solutions offered by traditional accounting firms have become increasingly divorced from the needs of their customers, who are seeking ever more guidance and immediacy.

That is why Audrey Gierlowski is betting she can bring entrepreneurs and accountants together by developing an all-digital offer that provides fast, intuitive and customised accounting solutions.


NewFID is here! The start-up uses digital to simplify entrepreneurs’ administrative tasks by giving them more freedom and flexibility to manage their company.

They can now monitor their company's health with up-to-date and intuitive dashboards, get real-time answers to their questions with a dedicated messaging service, be advised of all their regulatory obligations through an internal notification system, and access all their documents from a secure space anytime and anywhere.

We use automation and artificial intelligence systems so we can provide regularly updated accounts and thus advise our customers on how to optimise their position as they grow. We are here not only to enter invoices but also to become a trusted partner for our customers and help them become successful entrepreneurs.

Audrey Gierlowski, CEO of NewFID


It is now possible to do away with all paper and paperwork and to prioritise advice, discussion and the optimisation of customer positions.

You can access a wide range of services through our online collaborative platform: secure storage space for all your documents, dashboards to monitor your company’s health, a dedicated internal messaging system, a free module for customer invoicing, and much, much more.

Why choose NewFID?

We offer a better customer experience than traditional accounting firms:

  • People and collaboration are two of our key values. NewFID offers a new customer experience compared with outmoded accounting firms and provides fast, intuitive and customised accounting solutions;
  • Our rates and services are transparent and vary based on the customer’s business;
  • We are updating customer/accountant interactions by offering other means of communication to make them more seamless and fun.

Since NewFID was created in October 2019, about 20 SMEs have already decided to place their trust in us, so be like them: go digital and become a successful company!

You can now request access to our platform to learn more about, and try, our all-online, simple, intuitive and modular accounting offer for free.

Join us on our site at:

NewFID was founded by Audrey Gierlowski, who spent more than 16 years as a chartered accountant and statutory auditor at Big Four audit firms, which also provide accounting consultancy services, and in the finance departments of Luxembourg companies. She then decided to create her own accounting practice to offer a new customer experience and help entrepreneurs achieve success.

Nyuko has signed a partnership with Spuerkeess, in order to foster entrepreneurial spirit and strengthening the bank's position with company founders from the start of their businesses. More info in our article: https://www.spuerkeess.lu/en/blog/experts-corner/nyuko-fostering-entrepreneurial-spirit/.

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