As a transition enabler, Spuerkeess plans to contribute to the national target of electrifying 49% of Luxembourg’s car fleet by 2030. Thus, since 2018, the Bank has included electric vehicles in its Lease Plus offer, and these now account for 80% of the leases taken out by the Bank's customers. This very strong interest in electric cars is partly due to the desire to "consume better and more sustainably", but is also due to our attractive Lease Plus offers. Emir Mustafic, Business Developer - Private Lease at Spuerkeess, gives us the criteria to be taken into account when buying or leasing an electric vehicle.
Spuerkeess Asset Management (Spuerkeess Asset Management is the trading name of BCEE Asset Management) signs the "Investor statement on deforestation and forest fires in the Amazon"
On 12 September, as part of its commitment to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI), Spuerkeess Asset Management (Spuerkeess Asset Management is the trading name of BCEE Asset Management) signed the "Investor statement on deforestation and forest fires in the Amazon". This statement aims to encourage companies to step up their efforts and state their intention to eliminate deforestation from their activities and supply chains.
After signing the "Investor statement on deforestation and forest fires in the Amazon", Spuerkeess Asset Management (Spuerkeess Asset Management is the trading name of BCEE Asset Management) has responded by reviewing the manner in which it invests. Since the beginning of 2019, Spuerkeess Asset Management (Spuerkeess Asset Management is the trading name of BCEE Asset Management) has been working on a new approach to financial analysis that takes account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors alongside financial factors. In relation to the environment, this primarily means considering the impact a company’s supply chain has on ecosystems and biodiversity.
1. The objectives set by the Paris Agreement may not be met as a result of the slow progress currently being made.
2. Deforestation is the second cause of climate change, after the burning of fossil fuels.
3. Deforestation is primarily caused by intensive agriculture, followed by logging.
4. Deforestation is having a major impact on the millions of inhabitants of the Amazon forest and savannah areas.
5. Where they support good behaviour, consumers can help to eradicate deforestation.
6. Did you know that deforestation could spell the end for your morning coffee?