5 useful tips:
1. Do your research and find inspiration. While every company is unique, there are bound to be similar organisations that have experimented with AI and might have shared their experiences. Check what the competition has done and what may or may not have worked for them.
2. The area of AI is growing very rapidly. Your strategy should not be set in stone but be flexible enough to prepare for disruptive innovation and new technologies that are coming from the research community.
3.Focus on responsible application of AI and a trustworthy implementation. Not only is it a good practice, but the upcoming EU AI Act will force this onto your AI applications, even those that you are acquiring from third parties.
4.Not every organisation needs an AI strategy. You need to think about your existing processes, and how they are suited for potential AI application. If there is nothing that would benefit from AI, there are other areas you should put your focus on.
5. Your employees remain your most valuable asset, even with a state-of-the-art AI platform. You should set up processes that empower them to develop their own ideas and innovation around AI. Train them on the potential of the technologies and the tools that you have adapted and listen to the suggestions they might give to you.