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Statement of voluntary commitment in accordance with the principles of an economically, socially, ethically and environmentally responsible approach for supplier or service provider activities




This statement* attests to our partner’s commitment to support Spuerkeess in its effort to promote an economically, socially, ethically and environmental responsible approach in particular, and in general to ensure the application of the principles of sustainable development as a supplier, subcontractor and service provider (hereinafter the “Suppliers”).

*Valid for 24 months and subject to periodic updates.



By signing this statement*, the Supplier voluntarily undertakes to comply and act in accordance with the international, European and national provisions in force and in particular with:

  • the principles established by the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
  • the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) which set out fundamental principles and rights at work, as well as national principles on working and occupational health conditions and safety of the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (Inspection du Travail et des Mines - ITM), and
  • the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Guidelines on responsible business conduct.


The Supplier hereby states that it is sensitive to the theme of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and undertakes to make every effort to promote CSR internally and among its stakeholders. To the greatest extent possible, it undertakes to do its utmost to implement, and ensure that its own suppliers and subcontractors comply with, all the best practices set out below.

These best practices cover the following commitments:


The Supplier contributes proactively to the fight against:

  • any form of illegal work,
  • any form of forced labour,
  • child labour, and
  • any form of discrimination in terms of access to employment based on gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion, nationality, social or ethnic origin.

The Supplier applies and enforces the following values/principles:

  • compliance with the working conditions as set out in the aforementioned conventions,
  • compliance with any applicable legal provisions on maximum working hours and overtime pay,
  • compliance with the legal provisions applicable to minimum wage,
  • respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.


The Supplier implements, develops and encourages environmental impact reduction policies.

In particular, it undertakes to:

  • inform and train its staff in eco-friendly gestures and to the use of eco-friendly equipment and products,
  • promote, as soon as possible, the acquisition of vehicles with a reduced carbon footprint to meet the need of passenger transport and generally seek to manage all employee travel in an environmentally responsible manner, such as by implementing a mobility plan,
  • take into account repairability and energy consumption criteria when purchasing or renewing equipment,
  • minimise and sort waste, and prohibit the discharge of harmful water into pipes,
  • systematically support circular economy solutions (reduce, reuse, recycle, repair),
  • offer eco-responsible products/solutions where possible (CO2-free and toxic substance-free).


The Supplier ensures the quality of employment, professional development and continuous learning of its employees.

In particular, it undertakes to:

• continuously train its employees in various fields,

• train young people and apprentices in the profession,

• favour open-ended contracts,

• integrate, as far as possible, people with disabilities or those in need of redeployment.


The Supplier applies the highest occupational health and safety requirements. To this end, the Supplier ensures that its activities do not harm the health and safety of its staff, the general public and the users of its products and services.

The Supplier makes every effort to reduce the risk of bodily injury and limit activities involving a health risk (frequent replacement of equipment and optimisation) to the greatest extent possible. It implements a proactive accident reduction policy in order to detect, avoid or neutralise any threat to the health and safety of its staff.

The Supplier undertakes to raise awareness and train its employees on the health and safety issues of the business and to select suppliers and subcontractors that comply with the principles set out above.


The Supplier conducts its business activities with integrity. It refrains from and combats practices such as conflicts of interest, corruption, money laundering and infringement of intellectual property rights.


The Supplier endeavours to support the local economy, wherever possible, through:

  • direct support for local employment (Luxembourg and Greater Region),
  • the purchasing and sourcing from local producers/retailers (Luxembourg and Greater Region).


The Supplier has read this document, adheres to it and voluntarily undertakes to implement the necessary means to comply with the principles set out herein and agrees to the possible publication of its identity for the purpose of promoting Spuerkeess’ commitments.

Name of supplier: ……………………………………………………...

On behalf of the supplier: …………………………………………..

Signature: .................................................

Date: ………………………………………………………………...